How to Apply

Applications must be made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of your “home” university. This is the Canadian university from which you most recently graduated or at which you are currently enrolled. 

You must be a graduate (holder of a degree) of a Canadian university when tenure of the scholarship begins.

If your home university has no Faculty of Graduate Studies, please submit your application to the Awards Office at that university. You may apply for both scholarships with a single application if the eligibility criteria are met for both.

A complete application consists of the following, each of which should be sent directly to the “Mackenzie King Scholarships Competition” c/o the Faculty of Graduate Studies of your home university:

  1. The completed and signed application form (including attached sheets A and B as described on that form). 
  2. Three letters of reference from persons who have an intimate knowledge of your record and ability and are able to give a critical evaluation of your plans for graduate study. Letters of reference must not be disclosed to the candidate and may be sent directly by the referee in digital form (signed and scanned) to the home university.
  3. Certified copies of official transcripts of marks and other academic records from each university you have attended. If a transcript is not available, you may substitute a certified statement by the Registrar or the Faculty concerned. 

All these items must be received by your home university by February 1. 

Your home university will forward to the Board of Scholarship Trustees a maximum of two nominations for the Open and two for the Travelling Scholarship, together with their applications and will advise all applicants of the outcome of this internal competition.

Please note that applications sent directly to the Board will not be considered.

All documents will be regarded as confidential and will be retained by the Board of Scholarship Trustees. The Board assumes no responsibility for missing documentation.

The Board reserves the right to require a candidate to furnish additional information or references.